- In case of official airmail is suspended, you may change alternative express service with additional delivery charge. Or you may wait for official airmail service resume.
- This is cover only!!! Cotton pillow is not include!!!
- Suitable for 40 x 40 cm pillow
- Single Side
- Flannel, The cover can be washed
- Won't be re-stocked again if they are sold out
- For Hong Kong Area: Postage is not included.You can choose HK-Post service for small objects.For bigger products, we use SF Express (Freight collect)
- 假若運送地區的政府空郵服務暫停,而你需要轉用其他速運公司時,就需要補回運費差價;否則就要等待空郵服務恢復時,才能安排寄出。
- 這只是枕套!!!
- 可自行放入40 x 40 cm的枕芯
- 想加錢配枕芯 (只限香港區)的請到這裡
- 絨布, 枕套可以水洗的
- 最後一批,售完不補
- 香港地區都是不包郵的,細件的可以選擇香港郵政的服務,大件的只提供順豐速運 (運費到付)